单 位:计算机学院
报告题目:Keeping Physics and Humans in the Loop of Computer Vision Problems
报 告 人:尹朝征(密苏里科技大学计算机科学系副教授、Daniel St. Clair荣誉教授)
尹朝征,博士,密苏里科技大学计算机科学系副教授、Daniel St. Clair荣誉教授(2015至今),工程学院Dean’s Scholar(2016至今)。尹博士分别于1999年、2002年在清华大学自动化学院获得学士、硕士学位,于2004年在威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校电气与计算机工程系获得硕士学位,于2009年于宾夕法尼亚州立大学计算机科学及工程系获得博士学位,之后在卡耐基梅隆机器人学院进行两年博士后研究,于2011年加入密苏里科技大学计算机科学系至今。尹博士团队在计算机视觉和生物医学图像领域发表高水平论文70余篇,获得CVPR Best Doctoral Spotlight Award、MICCAI Young Scientist Paper Award、 NSF CAREER等奖,并于MICCAI2015、WACV2016、 CVPR2017、WACV2018担任领域主席。
Zhaozheng Yin received his PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from Pennsylvania State University in 2009. After two-year postdoc training at Carnegie Mellon University, he joined Missouri University of Science and Technology as a faculty member in 2011. He has been appointed as a Daniel St. Clair Fellow in the Computer Science department since 2015, and a Dean’s Scholar in the College of Engineering and Computing since 2016. His group has published seventy papers in computer science conferences and journals including a few paper awards in CVPR and MICCAI. He received NSF CAREER award in 2014 and served as an Area Chair of MICCAI2015, WACV2016, CVPR2017 and WACV2018.
While a lot of efforts have been spent on developing computer algorithms to solve vision and learning problems, less attention is paid on the physical imaging formation process and human-aided discovery. Using biomedical image analysis as an example, I will demonstrate how physics and humans in the loop can benefit the algorithm development and boost the algorithm performance. In the second part of the talk, I will briefly introduce several multidisciplinary projects from my group, including social intelligent computing, inspection by robotic exploration, and cyber physical smart manufacturing.